Digital Campaigns

SACA Food Shelf & Thrift Store / Hops for Hunger / Display Arts

Warm Wishes. Full Dishes.

In 2022, as costs steadily increased for food and necessities, SACA Food Shelf planned to meet the rising holiday demand and estimated that they would distribute 850 holiday dinners - a 20% increase from the year before. I developed and effectively executed the ‘Warm Wishes. Full Dishes campaign’ across all platforms (print, digital, and social) with the goal of raising $8,000 in online donations. A major donor wanted to inspire others to give at the end of the year and to steward their request, their gift became a match for Give to Max and Giving Tuesday wish allowed SACA to double the amount raised online (total of $16,761).


Sponsor A Senior

In 2019, the number of seniors who relied on SACA increased by 55% from the year before and that number continued to grow in 2020, due to COVID-19. With the increase demand SACA needed to increase the staff for our SACA Delivers Program, or mobile food shelf. The ‘Sponsor a Senior’ campaign was created to help raise funds for the program and also connect the monthly donors with those who relied on the program by sending monthly highlights of the clients.

I built this program from the ground up. I created the logo, landing page, emails asking for help and social media content. Once the basic brand items were built, I conducted the interviews with the seniors and created the highlight emails to be sent to donors.


Display Arts: No Mask Required

In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the tradeshow industry shut down. It left many clients without a way to train or present the functions of their products in person. I created the ‘No Mask Required’ campaign to showcase Display Arts capabilities to custom create affective and shippable product demonstrators.



Due to COVID-19, SACA’s largest annual fundraiser Hops for Hunger 8.0 was canceled. We had to find another way to raise the projected funds of $45,000 to make sure our budget was not impacted. In May of 2020, we partnered with, who hosted a week long campaign to raise funds for nonprofits hit hard by COVID.

We created the #45Kin8DaysforSACA campaign. My role was to build and maintain a campaign timeline, manage the social media platforms and create all graphical elements. At the end of the event we raised 93% of our goal through digital giving.


Hops for Hunger


Vehicle Branding