Branding / SACA Food Shelf & Thrift Store

A lot has changed since I was introduced to the nonprofit, SACA Food Shelf and Thrift Store. In 2012, there was fear of closing their doors due to the lack of funding and organizational issues. Now in 2021, the organization is flourishing. We have continued to add needed services, such as the mobile food shelf and in the near future we will be constructing a new facility.

As a freelance designer for the first Hops for Hunger event in 2012, I was inspired by the dedicated staff and volunteers. For me, it has become a passion to design for the nonprofit, build their branding and assist in marketing as a volunteer. I joined the board of directors in June of 2014 to continue advocating for the food shelf at a higher level.

I have poured my heart and soul into the SACA Brand. I am so proud to not only be a part of this amazing organization but help it evolve so no one in our community goes hungry.



In 2012, SACA Food Shelf & Thrift Store’s marketing consisted of an archaic website and few informational handouts. Over the past 9 years, I have built a brand that is recognized in the community as a dependable resource for those in need.

In 2020, I lead the refresh of the SACA Brand, that encompasses the essence of how each ‘simple gesture’ to help your neighbor succeed will ‘fill your heart’. The new brand includes updated colors and new service icons as well as the introduction of stylized photography.

Site Map

Site Map

Pages: Get Help   &   Give Help

Pages: Get Help & Give Help

2020 Website Update

SACA Food Shelf’s 13 year old website was difficult to navigate and had no curb appeal. In 2020, I teamed with two others to build a new site for SACA that would be easy to navigate for those who need help and those who want to give help.

I assisted in writing the content, created all graphic elements and developed the site layouts that were inline with the site map. Want to see more, check it out:

Graphic Artist / Collaborator / Production Artist / Web Design

Informative Client Handout

Informative Client Handout

Final Artwork for the display

Printed Marketing

When I started volunteering at SACA in 2012, their marketing consisted of a tri-fold brochure created in Word and png logo. Over the years, I have built a brand that showcases who SACA is as an organization and represents the significant impact they have on clients and donors.

Above artwork includes the new tri-fold brochure geared towards donors and volunteers (top), client leaflet covering services (bottom left) and business cards (bottom right).

Graphic Artist / Creative Team Production Lead


Digital Campaigns

My involvement in SACA’s social media and digital giving platforms has grown over the years , especially in 2020 when the pandemic hit.

One notable digital campaign was the #45kin8DaysforSACA fundraiser. It was created due the to the cancellation of our largest annual event, Hops for Hunger. Through the use of social media and emails, we were able to recover 93% of the projected funds we lost due the cancelled event.



As a board member, I enjoy volunteering as a freelance designer or providing assistance at many of the SACA Food Shelf and Thrift Store events.

The largest and most recognized event is Hops for Hunger, craft brewery tasting. Now on it’s 9th year, we have raised over 1.75 millions pounds of food. For more on my involvement in Hops for Hunger : click here.




Printed Marketing Materials